Nexsure® 2.7.7 Release Notes (11-21-14)
Carrier recon display improvements (F7818)
- Change AI/Subrogation check boxes on cert holder details to yes/no/blank drop downs (F7858)
- Export AI/Subrogation fields in cert holder Excel export & import upon import (F7857)
- Add AI drop downs to cert holder detail for ACORD 22 (F7851)
- Copy AI/waiver check boxes when copying holders (F7868)
- Ability to choose to send certs from one master as one PDF or as separate certs (F6902)
Other CRM
- Ability to analyze logo and suggest colors for users to select (F7849)
- Show more attachments on the attachment summary screen (F5095)
- Cincinnati commercial lines (F7220)
- Harleysville GL certification (F7728, D25811)
- Ability for users to move downloads from the front end (F7848)
- Updated 126 General Liability (F7861)
- 825 base form for professional liability (F7862)
- Acord 807 – D&O (F7863)
Resolved Issues
Package total premium not showing on printed installment invoice due to alias feature (D25845)
Hitting Save on issued holder and going out and going back in makes holder unissued (D25906)
Other CRM
- Attachments can be saved to an Action with mis-matched names if multiples are added quickly (D25888)
- Change color of Home, Client & Retail Agent Action policy and cert links to dark blue (D25839, D25886)
- NAICS-SIC codes updated (D24710)
RA invoice is not available at client delivery (D25848)
- Some downloads require reset if client ID > 32767 (D25853)
- Mutiple pages of aborted downloads due to parsing of AL3 file (D25844)
- Ford Flex VIN prevents DL from coming in (D25773)
Error adding BOP policy to ACORD 25 due to long policy# (D25780)
Client Accounts Receivable failing due to long string of invoice #s including original, reversal and rebill (D25799)